Über uns Kontakte Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen: 390 212
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Histamine Intradermal und Pancreaze

Bestimmung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Histamine Intradermal und Pancreaze sowie der Möglichkeit, beide Arzneimittel gleichzeitig einzunehmen.

Ergebnis der Prüfung:
Histamine Intradermal <> Pancreaze
Relevanz: 10.08.2023 Rezensent: Dr.med. Shkutko P.M., in

Zwischen den gewählten Arzneimitteln wurde keine Wechselwirkung festgestellt bzw. die Wirkungen der gleichzeitigen Einnahme von Arzneimitteln ist zurzeit nicht ausreichend studiert; die Bestimmung ihrer Wechselwirkungen bedarf eines längeren Zeitraums und weiteren statistischen Ergebnissen. Es ist notwendig, einen Arzt zu befragen, um mehrere Arzneimittel gleichzeitig einnehmen zu können.

Histamine Intradermal

Generischer Name: histamine phosphate

Handelsmarken: Berocca, Primaplex, Becomject-100, MVI-12, NephPlex RX, Nephrocaps, B-Ject 100, Therobec, B-Plex, Formula B, Vitaplex, Tri-Vi-Sol, Vi-Daylin ADC, Nephro-Vite Rx, Lipogen, Lipotriad, Lipoflavonoid, Cholinoid, Liponol, Bee-Comp with C, Cholidase, Cota-B-Plex, 1000 BC, Neurodep, Neuroforte-Six, MVI. Pediatric, B-Plex Plus, Nephrolan Rx, Zymacap, Vi-Daylin, Poly-Vi-Sol, Dayalets, Sigtab, Therems, StressTabs, Allbee-C 800, Cefol, Cod Liver Oil, Daily Multiple Vitamins, Daily Vite, Protegra, Sesame St. Vitamins with Extra C, Surbex-T, Theragran, Superplex-T, Vi-Stress, Cod Liver Oil Mint, Animal Shape Vitamins, B-50 Complex, B-Complex 50, Vitamin B Complex 100, Balanced B-100, B-Stress, B-Scorbic, Bee with C, Children's Chewable Multivitamins, Balanced B-50, Balanced B-150, Unicap Capsule, Unicap Jr, Unicap, Optilets-500, Super Plenamins, Vitamins for Hair, Tab-A-Vite, One-A-Day Essentials, Essential Balance, Vi-Daylin Chewable, Sunkist Child Chewable with C, Sunkist Child Chewable, Poly-Vi-Sol Chewable, Fruity Chew, Poly-Vit Chew, Chewable-Vite, Flintstones Multivitamins, Bugs Bunny with Extra C, Flintstones with C Multivitamins, Bounty Bear Vitamins, Garfield Vitamins, Vi-Daylin Drops, Poly-Vi-Sol Drops, Baby Vitamin Drop, Vita Drop, Poly Vit Drops, MVC. SDV, Glutofac, Allbee-C, Nephro-Vite, Vitabee with C, Stress B with C, High Potency B+C, Farbee with C, Surbex with C, Super B Complex, Surbex, Vitamin B-50, Vitamin B-100, Vitamin B-100 T/R, Hexavitamin, Kenwood Therapeutic, Thera, Theravite, Thera-Plus, Oncovite, Beminal-500, High Potency B Complex with B12 and C, Super B-50, Super B-100 TD, Tri-Vit Drops, Stress Formula, One Tab Daily, Vitamin C, E, and Rose Hips, Scotts Emulsion, Stress Formula 600, Tri-Vit, B Complex 50, Mega B, Folgard, Apatate, T-Vites, High B Complex, Theragenerix, Cernevit, Cardiotek, Beminal, Beminal with C Fortis, Bugs Bunny Multiple Vitamins, Fletanol, Male Formula, Allbee with C, Prevital, Surbex Filmtab, T-BMP, Tender Age Vitamin ADC, Watkins Harvest, Foltx, Folgard Rx 22, Cernevit-12, Infuvite, Infuvite Pediatric, Diatx, Vitamin A, D, One-A-Day 50+, Thex Forte, Protegra Cardio, Vitamin Daily Liquid, Rena-Vite Rx, Renal Caps, Icar C, Renaphro, Cerefolin, Dialyvite Rx, Dialyvite 800, Vesselvite, Folbee Plus, Folbee, Folcaps, Combgen, Abidec, Unichem Multivitamin, Topfit Vitamin B Complex, Topfit Vitamin B Complex Forte, Vitamin B Compound Strong, Health Aid Multivitamin, Vitamins, Daflon, Essentiale, Jetepar, Neurobion, Vitamin A and D Concentrate, Centrum 8400, MVI. Adult, Nephronex, Animi-3, Foltrate, Cardiotek Rx, Folbic, Metanx, D-400 international units, Folbalin Plus, Folbalin, Multi Vits with Beta Carotene, Foltabs 800, Folgard Rx, B-Complex with B-12, FaBB, CerefolinNAC, Folamin, DexFol, One-A-Day Men's Health Formula, Rena-Vite, Equaline One Daily Essential, Daily-Vite Men's Formula, Folplex, Folmor, Zycose, Biotin Forte, Vigomar Forte, Vimar, Multi-Delyn, Foleve Plus, Folnate, Folnate Plus, Foleve, B 100 Complex, Renatabs, AllanTex, Cardiotek-Rx, NuFol, Folplex 22, Reno Caps, Ivites Rx, TL Gard, Vita-Respa, Folast, Triphrocaps, Enfolast-N, Enfolast, Neurpath-B, Triveen-CF, Rovin-CF, Vol-Care Rx, Nephrocaps QT, B-Complex SR, Apetigen, L-methylfolate Ca, Me-Cbl NAC, P-5-P, Me-Cbl, MTX Support, Menopause Relief with Lifenol, Vitacirc-B, Alz-Nac, Tri-Vita Drops, Poly-Vita Drops, Prostate 24, Apetex, Folastin, Folbee AR, Metafolbic, Metafolbic Plus, Foltanx, Virt-Vite Forte, Virt-Vite, Foltanx RF, Folbic RF, One Daily Multi-Essential, Flintstones Toddler, Full Spectrum B with C, Metafolbic Plus RF, PoDiaPN, Super Theravite-M, Nature's Bounty Hair Skin & Nails, Total B with C, Hair, Skin, & Nails Gummies, Concentrated Whole Food Multivitamin, Niva-Fol, Glycogenics, SeroSyn, Virt-Vite Plus, Rheumate, Folinic-Plus, Allbee Plus, Av-VITE FB Forte, Celebrate B-12, Virt-Gard, Mebolic, DEKAs Essential, Multi Vitamin+, Xyzbac, Nufola, Folika-T, Hylavite, K2 Plus D3, Dosoquin, VP-Vite Rx, Genicin Vita-S, Genicin Vita-Q, Zyvit, Folika-V, Tobakient, Renal Vitamin, Folic-K

Synonyme: Histamine (Intradermal), Histamine Phosphate


Generischer Name: pancrelipase

Handelsmarken: Creon, Pancreaze, Pertzye, Ultresa, Viokace, Zenpep, Cotazym, Viokase, Zymase, Pancrease MT 4, Pancrease MT 16, Protilase, Panase, Ku-Zyme HP, Cotazym-S, Creon 10, Creon 20, Ultrase MT 20, Protilase MT-16, Creon 5, Pancrease, Pancrease MT 10, Vio-Moore, Panokase, Ilozyme, Pancrease MT 20, Ultrase, Ultrase MT 12, Pancron D/R, Encron-10, Ultrase MT 18, Arco-Lase, Lipram, Pancrecarb MS-8, Pancrecarb MS-4, Lipram-UL 18, Lipram-CR20, Lipram-UL 12, Lipram-UL 20, Viokase 16, Pancreatil-UL 12, Pangestyme CN 10, Pangestyme CN 20, Pangestyme MT 16, Pangestyme UL 18, Pangestyme EC, Kutrase, Ku-Zyme, Lipram-CR, Plaretase, Viokase 8, Lipram-CR5, Lapase, Dygase, Pancrecarb MS-16, Pangestyme UL 20, Panocaps, Panocaps MT 16, Lipram-CR10, Palcaps 10, Lipram-PN10, Lipram-PN16, Lipram-PN20, Panokase 16

Synonyme: nein

Bei der Prüfung der Kompatibilität und Wechselwirkungen der Arzneimittel werden folgende Handbücher verwendet: Drugs.com, Rxlist.com, Webmd.com, Medscape.com.

Wechselwirkungen mit den Nahrungsmitteln und der Lebensweise
Wechselwirkungen mit Krankheiten